Python, Tkinter, and Threading

Marc mnations at
Mon Feb 17 15:21:49 EST 2003

Hello All,

I have a couple of questions/issues of concern. I've done quite a few
programs using Tkinter now and am wondering if anyone is working on an
easier way to integrate the front end gui with the back end
processing, aka easier threading.

The problem of conflicts between Tkinter and calling Tkinter functions
from other threads appears to be well known. There are several
available solutions, some of which I've used, all of which I find
bulky and contrary to what should be the ease of use of a scripting
language. The ability to call functions from outside the main gui
thread should be a given, since that's what it will mostly be used for
anyway - to drive a back-end it should be able to interact with.
Having to wrap everything up and put it in queues to pop back out
causes problems with real-time execution and causes each program to
have a pseudo-code on top of the normal calls. The time I spend
wrapping everything up to pop back out again doubles the amount of
time I spend programming.

Are there any easier solutions on the horizon? Do any of the other
programming interfaces (wxPython, Jython) offer advantages that I just
won't be able to see with Tkinter? Are there other solutions I just
haven't yet seen?

Thanks for any advice,

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