For review: PEP 308 - If-then-else expression

Roy Smith roy at
Fri Feb 7 23:42:36 EST 2003

All of the syntaxes proposed in the PEP look pretty horrible to me.  The 
"expression if ...." stuff is just plain horrible.  It's totally 
confusing and inconsistant.  If I wanted stuff like that, I'd be writing 
in perl.

I've been using python for about 6 years now.  I must admit that at 
first I missed the :?, but over the years my desire for it has mellowed.  
I still think I'd like to see something with that functionality in the 
language, but not at the cost of any of the aberations proposed in the 

Of the suggestions in the PEP, the function call "x = ifelse (cond, 
exp1, exp2)" seems the least bad.  It does suffer from the lack of 
short-circuit behavior, but most of the time, you can live with that.

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