Running a Tkinter GUI in WIN98 without the useless DOS window?

vincent wehren v.wehren at
Sat Feb 1 06:41:31 EST 2003

"Jack Crane" <jdcrane at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:Xns93151D69F34FAjdcrane7yahoocom at
> Can a Tkinter GUI be run in Win98 without the useless DOS window? I'm not
> sure if I expressed that correctly or clearly, but I am using the Python
> script at
> calling it with a shortcut to Grepper works well, but is there
> a way to call without that useless DOS window opening as well?

Try calling your modules *.pyw instead of *.py.
Vincent Wehren

(BTW: I wouldn't call the command prompt useless..Once you run your code as
*.pyw any exceptions that you do not particularly catch and output via a
Tkinter message box  will never surface. So I'd leave the *.pyw suffix alone
during the entire process of writing/debugging, and rename the when *ready*
to deploy...)

> Thanks,
> Jack Crane

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