ANN: SharkyPy 0.2b3

Heiko Wundram heikowu at
Sun Feb 16 19:36:42 EST 2003

The third public beta of SharkyPy has just now been released. This beta
adds new functionality to SharkyPy in the following areas:

1) Refactoring/Cleaning of most classes, and introduction of
Borg-patterns to reduce overhead.
2) Integration of (public-key) signatures into DHT-values, by using
Andrew M. Kuchlings PyCrypto package.
3) Protocol specification is transmitted with every RPC-call, so that
future protocols won't break the program.
4) Several other buxfixes/changes not listed here.

This version should be considered even more beta than the previous
versions, as most of the functionality has only been tested over a
limited timespan (half a day). It works for me(tm). And it works solely
when using a version of Python 2.3.

The feature consolidation process will start, when several other
amendments have been made to the source.

A stable version 0.2 will be released in about two weeks. Anybody who is
interested in trying out SharkyPy so far is encouraged to do so, and
should send any bugreports to me.

ANN: SharkyPy 0.2b3

	Heiko Wundram
	Sprachenzentrum der Universität des Saarlandes
	Gebäude 44 - Universität - 66123 Saarbrücken

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