For review: PEP 308 - If-then-else expression

Eric Stechmann estechmann at
Fri Feb 7 17:52:50 EST 2003

I'm not sure the benefits are worth the additional complication.  It might 
be convenient in some circumstances, but that's not necessarily a good 
reason to implement it.

We're all familiar with languages that have grown to the point where they 
are ugly, hard to explain or even comprehend, and, I would assume, 
difficult to implement.  Python is _not_ that.  It's not perfect, but it 
has qualities that set it above so many others:  it is simple, yet powerful 
and has marvelous clarity.

Implementing concepts in the name of convenience is a slippery slope.  As 
someone once said, "Add little to little and soon you have a big pile."



Eric Stechmann                  Direct:  +1 (651) 234-1217
Resident Software Hominid          Fax:  +1 (651) 490-1484
Advanced Respiratory, Inc.       E-mail:  estechmann at
1020 West County Road F            URL:
St.Paul  MN  55126

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