itertools suggestion

Magnus Lie Hetland mlh at
Sat Feb 22 18:20:52 EST 2003

In article <mailman.1045939081.856.python-list at>, Jimmy
Retzlaff wrote:
>Magnus Lie Hetland (mlh at wrote:
>>Some things that might be useful (with rather arbitrary names)
>>  iatom(foo)       -- an iterator that returns foo
>>  iappend(it, foo) -- an iterator that exhausts it and then returns
>>                      foo
>>The latter could, of course, be achieved with
>>  chain(it, iatom(foo))
>>if chain is adopted. (Odd that it is documented but not included... :)
>>Just a thought, though -- I'm sure there are other ways of doing this
>>may be prettier...
>I would think [foo] would do as well as iatom(foo).

I suppose so -- except that that [foo] is just iterable -- not an
iterator (i.e. it doesn't have a next() method). So you'd have to use
iter([foo]). An alternative is, of course, to use times(foo, 1).

> If so, then I think
>chain(it, [foo]) would make iappend unnecessary.



Magnus Lie Hetland               "Nothing shocks me. I'm a scientist."                                   -- Indiana Jones

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