The 3D picture of Python

Brandon Van Every vanevery at
Sat Feb 8 14:05:33 EST 2003

Brian Quinlan wrote:
>> "Integrates well" would mean fully integrated with my Visual Studio
>> class browser
> No. But I don't know of any Python developers that use a class browser
> anyway.

That's their loss.  I find being able to click on a list of classes and get
immediately to a particular member function to be a good convenience.
Although truth be told, I much more often browse by file than by class.
That may be because of the small size of my current project, I wrote all the
code and I still know where everything is.

> But, if you really want one, VisualPython has one for VS7.

Good to know.

One of the more useful functions in VS is "Go to definition of...."  Can
Visual Python do this?

>> , build
> What build? There are no explicit build steps required for Python code.

Ok, admittedly I'm not used to this.  :-)

>> , debugger,
> How would you expect this to work, even in theory? Sometimes you could
> want to step through the Python C code and sometimes you would want to
> step through Python code. Breaking in at a line in Python code is
> going to be useless for debugging your C code.

I expect the debugger to go wherever the code is currently being executed.
I don't *care* if it's C++ code or Python code.  I'm not interested in
guessing about the program flow control.  I should be able to hierarchically
expand or collapse the current call context.

Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.

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