Windows porting questions

Rene Pijlman at de.nieuwsgroep
Sat Feb 15 17:38:43 EST 2003

David McNab:
>Is Py2EXE really the best approach for dumbing down the Windows
>installation process? If not, then what other approach would let 
>me make a hunk of Python code, plus Python and 3rd party modules, 
>easy to install and run for the average person's computer-illiterate 

I don't know about Py2EXE, but I installed both the Python 2.2.
binary distribution and Plone ( on Windows 2000
recently, and IIRC both installed like any other Windows
application. Plone installed a complete Python/Zope/CMF/Plone
client/server application without a problem. You may want to
look into the installation strategy used by these distributions.

René Pijlman

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