For review: PEP 308 - If-then-else expression

Christian Tismer tismer at
Sun Feb 9 05:32:57 EST 2003

James J. Besemer wrote:
> Some data:
> A quick perusal of Python interpreter source code reveals several 
> hundred uses of the ?: operator.
> Clearly the estimed BDFL evidently finds C's ?: as is to be fairly 
> useful, at least sufficiently useful to employ it routinely.
> Here are some examples:

[enumerating various uses of ?: in the interpreter source]

> If it's good enough for Python, the implementation -- then it's good 
> enough for Python, the language.

Great idea!
Could you do the same statistics over the usage of switch
statements, semicolons, {} braces, and of course MACROS ?

With the same reasoning you can introduce every construct
to Python. :-)

C has as much to do with Python as the machine code which
gcc emits for the C code.

Python's-dead--long-live-C  - ly y'rs - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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