Newbie: anything resembling static?

Rene Pijlman at de.nieuwsgroep
Tue Feb 11 16:08:31 EST 2003

Phil Rittenhouse:
[static variable in function]
>If you wrapped it in a class, you'd have to take care of creating the object
>before anyone calls it and sharing that object around somehow so everyone 
>can access it.  It seems like a lot of complexity for what is supposed 
>to be a very simple task.

Yes. Guido's answer was that you should simply make it a
module-global variable:

"In that case, consider using a module-global variable, e.g.:

	ncalls = 0

	def myfunction(arg):
	    global ncalls
	    ncalls = ncalls + 1
	    ...your code goes here...

Because Python's globals are module-global, not program-global,
this is generally a safe practice."

René Pijlman

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