(patch for Bash) adding Python features to Bash

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Thu Feb 13 08:50:51 EST 2003

Rene Pijlman <reageer.in at de.nieuwsgroep> writes:

> Riccardo Galli:
> >When you post a message or write an e-mail, the text comes with some
> >informations, the headers, which are usually hided by your
> >news/mail-client.
> I seem to have forgotten a smiley :-)
> But seriously, I'm still curious as to why the OP wants to use a
> Pythonically enhanced bash, instead of just Python. And I don't
> quite understand what me using Windows has to do with that...

Well, if you use Windows you probably don't spend as long staring at a
bash prompt as those of us on a Unix do.  Even on OS X I interact
mainly with bash, python, emacs and Chimera.  The only difference on
Linux is the browser is Mozilla and bash is running inside a different
terminal emulator.

Broadly speaking, bash provides super convenient access to all the
other bits of the unix toolbox.


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