win32file.pyd Device Error on W95

Carlos Ribeiro cribeiro at
Thu Feb 20 20:02:28 EST 2003

On Thursday 20 February 2003 16:18, Erno Kuusela wrote:
> | That's why almost everyone uses one of the advanced widget sets
> | available and leave X at a safe distance.
> that's a bit like saying "that's why almost everyone uses one of the
> advanced protocols available and leave IP at a safe distance" - x was
> not trying to define a gui or a widget set (which was part of the
> problem.) - they thought that this is somebody else's problem. they
> were right about the problem part... ;)

I 'mostly agree' (sic :-) but even considering the distance between what X 
represents, and whan Win32 API represents... it's possible to draw some 
parallels. There are a number of advanced widget sets for Win32, but still 
some people use the basic Win32 API calls (take a look at PythonWin for one 
such example). Pratically nobody does this with X for good reasons, 
preserving sanity included :-)

And as for the IP example... IP is nowhere as hard to understand/program than 
X. I have quite a few years of programming now, and X beats everything else, 
including the changing Win32 API, when it comes to complexity, caveats and 
weird behavior.

Carlos Ribeiro
cribeiro at

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