[newbie] install setup (cont.)

Henri Chorand duschmurtz.nospamthanks at wanadoo.fr
Sun Feb 2 08:06:21 EST 2003

>>The best thing would probably be to download the Python-2.2.2.tgz source 
>>package and to compile it, as advised on Python's site.
> That's always worked for me.
>>My newbie question is: which install directory should I choose?
>> From what I could read, it could be /usr/local/python.
> Anything under /usr/local is fine.  Just use the default. You may want to do
> a "make altinstall" instead of "make install" to avoid confusing programs
> that depend on "python" being the RH binary.

It worked just fine, many thanks!
make test
all went all right.

When I installed my Red Hat, I did not include Python in my setup, so I 
wanted to start from the lastest stable version - version 2.2.2 probably 
was more recent.

>>I also intend to use wxPython, so my question also applies to this one.
> I've always just used the default location when installing wxWindows and
> wxPython.

Fine. I'll do this.

I have two more basic questions:

1) Can you confirm python-docs, python-tools and sip are included in 
In my /usr/local/Python-2.2.2 directory, I can see Doc and Tools 
directories, but not anything labelled Sip (even though I can't tell if 
and when I would use it, it's only that it was listed in Red Hat's 
Python packages)

2) Do I need to add something to environment variables so as to include 
the path /usr/local/Python-2.2.2, something like:

export PATH=$PATH:/path-to/Python-2.2.2/bin

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