PEP-308 a "simplicity-first" alternative

Tim Peters at
Tue Feb 11 16:33:38 EST 2003

[Raymond Hettinger]
> ...
> Also, have you ever put a colon in the wrong place?
>     if x and y else: z
> This is currently valid, but has an entirely different
> meaning.

I'm not sure that raising SyntaxError counts as a valid entirely different
meaning <wink>.  Seriously, that has no meaning now.

     if x and y else z
     :if x and y else z
     if x: and y else z
     if x and: y else z
     if x and y: else z
     if x and y else: z
     if x and y else z:

are all SyntaxErrors now.  Presumably only the last would grow a meaning
under Holger's suggestion.

Using a conditional as an if's test expression is likely unreadable no
matter how it's spelled, though.  I really can't make head or tail out of

    if if x: y else: z:

at first (or second, or third) glance either.

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