Perl Vs Python

Bo M. Maryniuck b.maryniuk at
Thu Feb 27 03:22:04 EST 2003

On Wednesday 26 February 2003 17:19, Jeremy Fincher wrote:
> Considering that Python bytecode can be trivially decompiled into
> rather similar source to that which it was compiled from, 

You can decompile everything. Everything can be cracked: even your 
disconnected from the network and turned off and locked in the safe computer 
box. If you do simply "Hello world" or something like that, then yes, you can 
decompile your bytecode. But if you do something better and more complicated, 
then no. E.g. I've tried to decompile few my important modules -- it always 
fails or provides a mess.

P.S. OTOH, _looking_ in the code (read-only, just looking through one eye) and 
_decompiling_ it are different stuff and there is law restrictions etc.

Regards, Bogdan

C is quirky, flawed, and an enormous success.
		-- Dennis M. Ritchie

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