which Python XSLT module?

Will Stuyvesant hwlgw at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 5 18:06:29 EST 2003

[Brian Quinlan]
> Hmmmm. Are you asking if Python has support for XSLT out of the box? It
> doesn't. Or are you asking if there are Python XSLT modules that "just
> work"? There are.

The "Just work" one.  Install with a .exe or unzip somewhere with
clear instructions, like "put the unzipped directory in
C:\Python22\Lib\site-packages" or whatever.  And of course as much
docs and tutorials as possible but hey, if it works already then I am
willing to study source code if the source is in Python.

> What are your requirements (i.e. do you need extension functions, the
> ability to install entity revolvers, transform to DOM, etc.)? What
> platform are you using?

I am very new to the XML world.  I have been asked to find out if it
is possible to translate their XML documents (containing UML produced
by Rational Rose and Rhapsody if that means anything to you) to their
format, which is some kind of "parameterized mathematical formulas"
that model the original XML document.  So I am free to choose a
technique.  The excellent xmlHOWTO I found via pyxml.sourceforge.net
tells me that XSLT is for translating XML to another format, so that
seems to be what I am looking for now.  I probably need some time to
learn this .xsl thing but I should be able to do that.  But maybe XSLT
is not good at all?  I am really new to all this.
Other approaches I did see were SAX and DOM and I know as much about
them as any newbie.  It is my understanding that we should use SAX
since our input XML docs are huge, and DOM builds the syntaxtree
completely in memory, where SAX is some kind of event driven class
method calling system.

Any recommendations?

My platform is windows.  

I am basing my software development on the default windows xp you get
"for free" (yeah I know) when you buy a computer now.  That means you
get "use linux/debian/unix/..." on IRC #python.  And unfortunately
sometimes on c.l.p. too.  But linux is too immature for my users. 
They are not stupid, most of them have MSc. degrees.  Some in
mathematics.  But the configuration problems and the driver problems
make linux/unix flavors unusable.  They need powerpoint for their
presentations and they need to be able to watch all sorts of video
file formats on their computer.  I write software for them in Python. 
I make sure it installs and works on windows first.  After that
sometimes I check to see if it also runs on my linux box.  But that is
just because I'm interested.  Yes I "know" linux.  I used to compile
my own kernel in the *very* early linux days.  I feel sorry for linux
but this is just how it is.

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