16-bit signed binary to binary coded decimal(BCD) ascii

Chris Liechti cliechti at gmx.net
Thu Feb 13 19:22:31 EST 2003

Chris Liechti <cliechti at gmx.net> wrote in 
news:Xns9322A89D1BBBcliechtigmxnet at
>> Deirdre Hackett wrote:
>>> I want to take in data in binary format from a magnetometer.
>>> The magnetometer sends out the x,y,and z components of the magnetic
>>> field. The order of output for the binary format is:
>>> Xhi, Xlo, Yhi, Ylo, Zhi, Zlo.

> maybe he meant something like that:
and this time with signed numbers....

import struct
x,y,z = struct.unpack(">hhh", input_string[:6])
print x,y,z


Chris <cliechti at gmx.net>

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