3D graphics programmers using Python?

Brian Quinlan brian at sweetapp.com
Wed Feb 5 04:24:24 EST 2003

> > As a simple example, I found a simple segment of code from one of my
> > OpenGL python programs and converted it to C++. The Python version
> > shorter, simpler and required less thinking to create.
> To be honest, I didn't see a big value add in your example. 

Your original claim was: "Python isn't going to give you any advantage
in a...simple problem domain". So is there no advantage or just not a
big one? 

I'll point out:
- the Python example required less characters to be entered (225 vs.
- the Python example required no explicit memory management, the C++

> But I don't see any meaningful advantage for a one-off.  

I am an expert C++ programmer. I am an expert Python programmer. Writing
the Python version took me less time.

> <iostream> isn't the greatest, but it's good enough for a lot of

Poking character values into addresses used to be "good enough".
<iostream> isn't good enough for me because something exists that is
(much) better.


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