unittest: how to specify which suites to run with unittest.main()?

Fernando Perez fperez528 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 11 18:19:22 EST 2003

Hi all,

I have a unittest question for which my current solution looks very ugly.  I 
need to build some test classes based on a subclass of TestCase:

# pseudo-code follows:

class testBase(TestCase): pass

class test1(testBase): pass

class test2(testBase): pass

Now I want to build a test suite which uses all the test* methdods in test1 
and test2, but NOT in testBase. testBase is meant to be used only to 
provide common functionality to other test classes, not to be used by 

Further, I want to have a way of using unittest.main() to call this test 

I tried

mysuite = makeSuite(test1)

but that doesn't work. Furthermore, main() seems to want to run _all_ 
subclasses of TestCase.

My solution was to make testBase a mix-in which doesn't inherit from 
TestCase so that it 'flies under the radar' of main(), but I find that 
rather kludgy:

class testBase(): pass

class test1(testBase,TestCase): pass

class test2(testBase,TestCase): pass

Are there any better solutions?  I read the code for unittest.main() and I 
guess I can just re-implement it myself by putting just what I want in, but 
I'm sure what I'm trying to accomplish is routine enough that a standard 
solution must exist.

Thanks in advance for any input.



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