OT: Ultimate Language Syntax Cleanness Comparison

holger krekel pyth at devel.trillke.net
Mon Feb 10 11:37:36 EST 2003

Jeremy Fincher wrote:
> holger krekel <pyth at devel.trillke.net> wrote in message news:<mailman.1044877956.27600.python-list at python.org>...
> > If so can you send the snippet which parses *any* perl script? 
> > If your deduction above is true, then it should be easy.
> You originally claimed, "All the methods involve evaluating/executing
> it at the same time."  I showed you that Perl's abstract syntax tree
> (which is constructed by the code generated from perly.y in addition
> to some other arcane machinery) is absolutely different from the
> bytecode (an example of which is shown in bytecode.pl), which is
> actually executed.

That sharp distinction is still a claim.  Pointing to some files 
doesn't prove your point but example code does.  In python i do

>>> import compiler
>>> p=compiler.parseFile('test.py')    
>>> p                                    # Parse tree
Module(None, Stmt([Printnl([Const('hello world')], None)]))
>>> p.filename='test.py' # fixup
>>> c=compiler.pycodegen.ModuleCodeGenerator(p).getCode()
>>> c
<code object <module> at 0x828a720, file "test.py", line 2>
>>> exec c
hello world

Can you show me the equivalent of this in perl *in real code*? 
Even just the parsing step?  Or is it to painful to actually do it? 

just some questions,


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