SocketServer question

Jordan Krushen jordan at
Sat Feb 15 16:06:57 EST 2003

Nagy László wrote:
> Another important question: when I call server.handle_request() it
> will block until
> an incoming connection arrives. Meanwhile there can be other handler
> threads running.
> This way I'm unable to stop the server because the main thread is
> blocked. Is there
> a way to give a timeout for handle_request so I can preiodically check
> if it is time
> to stop the server? If not, how can I stop the server gracefully?
> (I would like to stop or restart the server using a client connected
> to it.)

This is what I do:  by wrapping the call to handle_request with, you can achieve a simple timeout.  Simply calling this
thread's join() method will set the flag, and within a second the select
call will timeout and not re-enter the loop, and finish.

class Server(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
    def __init__(self):
        HTTPServer.__init__(self, ("", 80), reqHandler)

class httpdThread(Thread):
    def __init__(self, timeout=1):
        self.timeout = timeout
        self._stopevent = Event()


    def run(self):
        svr = Server()
        svrfd = svr.fileno()

        while not self._stopevent.isSet():
            ready =[svrfd], [], [], self.timeout)
            if svrfd in ready[0]:

    def join(self, timeout=None):

        Thread.join(self, timeout)

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