Tools for Elementary School?

Aaron Held aaron at
Wed Feb 5 14:23:34 EST 2003

aicolburn at (Alan C.) wrote in message news:<1a3a9ffa.0302041622.7085c09a at>...
> I think I'd suggest the Live Wires Python Course, designed for kids.
> The URL is:  In addition, the
> Python Bibliotheca has free Python resources for teachers and students
> (although I think the orientation is more high school than elementary
> school). If you're interested, the  URL is:
> Good luck! -- Al

I second the Livewires vote.
For 9 year olds I give them a 10 minute intro to a concept, and then
let them play a python game and use what I taught the install "cheats"
into simple games.

ie - : Introduce the concept of assigning a variable
x = 1
print x
x = x +1 
print x

and then let them figure out how give themselves more "lives"
Some will set 
Lives = 100000
Others will comment out
Lives = Lives - 1

Go slow and Good Luck,
-Aaron Held

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