optimization pointers?

Anton Vredegoor anton at vredegoor.doge.nl
Thu Dec 11 17:51:40 EST 2003

"r.e.s." <r.s at XXmindspring.com> wrote:

>Would anyone care to offer pointers on how the following code
>might be optimized?  Or alternatives?  ...
>def lz(string):
>    """ Return the Lempel-Ziv complexity (LZ78) of string. """
>    vocabulary = []
>    word = ''
>    for char in string:
>        word += char
>        if word not in vocabulary:
>            vocabulary.append(word)
>            word = ''
>    return len(vocabulary)
>On my 2 GHz system running PythonWin, the above code averages 
>about 1.3 hrs to process a 1 MB string.  I'd hoped to compute 
>LZ78 for multi-GB files, but it seems infeasible. (?)

On a 300 mhz celeron the script below takes about ten or twenty
seconds, the original lz is commented out as it never seems to finish
for longer strings.


p.s. the file I used is here:

import sets

def lz(string):
    """ Return the Lempel-Ziv complexity (LZ78) of string. """

    vocabulary = []
    word = ''
    for char in string:
        word += char
        if word not in vocabulary:
            word = ''
    return len(vocabulary)

def lzx(string):
    """ Return the Lempel-Ziv complexity (LZ78) of string. """

    vocabulary = sets.Set()
    word = ''
    for char in string:
        word += char
        if word not in vocabulary:
            word = ''
    return len(vocabulary)

def test():
    fn = '1donq10.txt'
    s = file(fn,'rb').read(1000000)
    print lzx(s)
    #print lz(s)

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