Chameleon ++

Robin Becker robin at
Wed Dec 3 03:58:48 EST 2003

In article <cGdzb.37118$aT.29305 at>, Samuel
Sagan <samuelsagan at> writes
>I'm considering starting a new project at SourceForge, codenamed
>The concept is to develop a set of C++ clases and functions that closely
>mimmick the Python fundamentals: lists, tups, dictionnary, built-in
>functions and, later, as many modules as possible.
>This would make it relatively easy to convert Python code into C++, using
>mainly regular expressions and string replacement.
>In other words: compile Python apps via C++.
>Less important, but could come handy at times: the Chameleon++ subset of C++
>would make it very easy for people knowing Python to write in C++.
>(Chameleon++ would not use pointers, etc -- only what we use in Python.)
>Among other things, Chameleon should also provide a pathway to .NET, since
>C++ compiles to .NET. But the main goal remains to compile Python apps via
>the C++ route.
>Before starting, any comments or directions you may have would be greatly
>Samuel Sagan
Before reinventing the wheel, have you compared what you intend with
what boost python already does? Or is the intention to emulate python in
C++? There's also a python for net extension recently announced (I
forget the name). In addition the pypy project intends to write python
code translators and have it translate python to various backends.
Robin Becker

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