I see advice on how to debug a python module that hangs up the process

Bengt Richter bokr at oz.net
Tue Dec 16 20:48:11 EST 2003

On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 15:37:22 -0800, JD <lists at webcrunchers.com> wrote:

>On Dec 16, 2003, at 2:45 PM, Robin Munn wrote:
>> The first step I'd suggest is to sprinkle print statements all around
>> your code:
>>     print "About to call some_func()..."
>>     some_func()
>>     print "Returned from calling some_func()..."
>> Then you can watch the console output (or redirect it to a file for
>> later perusal) and see when the thing hangs.
>We already know the function it hangs up at.   It's a Python function 
>we defined.
>Obviously,   we put a print statement right at the beginning of the 
>function,  but it doesn't appear to be getting there.
>print "before function call"
>print "after function call"
>def my_function(some_arguments):
>	print "start of function call"      <---  this never gets called,  or 
>we don't see the output
>          <rest of code>
>So when this piece of code is called,  we get:
>before function call
>   <system hangs up>
>Then,  we have to do a "kill -9" the process.
It would be more interesting if the above was real code instead of prose ;-)

If you know the failing function, and the place where it's being called as above,
what about actually copy/pasting the few lines instead of ad-libbing?

Also, as paul says, what are the arguments? What happens if you change

print 'before function call'
print 'after function call'
print 'before argument evaluation'
the_arg_tuple = (arg_expr1, arg_expr2, etc.blah)  # i.e., whatever "some_arguments" is, in parens
print 'before function call'
print 'after function call'

If that hangs during some_expression tuple evaluation, you can do the expressions one at a time, e.g.

the_arg_tuple = (arg_expr1,)
print 'first ok'
the_arg_tuple = the_arg_tuple + (arg_expr2,)
print 'second ok'


**** But show us a real session copy/pasted, not code-prose, please. ****

You could also run python with -u so you're sure to get all the output flushed immediately,
just in case.

And just after the first before print, you could also use sys.settrace to hook in a debugging
trace that can at least trace non-C python stuff. It might get you closer.

E.g., (quick hack)

 >>> import sys
 >>> def ptrace(frame, event, arg):
 ...     sys.stdout.write('%7s %5s: %10s %r\n' % (
 ...         event,
 ...         frame.f_lineno,
 ...         frame.f_code.co_name,
 ...         frame.f_code.co_filename))
 ...     sys.stdout.flush()
 ...     if event != 'return': return ptrace
 >>> sys.settrace(ptrace)
 >>> def foo(x):
 ...     return x*2
    call     1:          ? '<stdin>'
    line     1:          ? '<stdin>'
  return     1:          ? '<stdin>'
 >>> foo(foo(3))
    call     1:          ? '<stdin>'
    line     1:          ? '<stdin>'
    call     1:        foo '<stdin>'
    line     2:        foo '<stdin>'
  return     2:        foo '<stdin>'
    call     1:        foo '<stdin>'
    line     2:        foo '<stdin>'
  return     2:        foo '<stdin>'
  return     1:          ? '<stdin>'

Maybe it will give more clues.

Bengt Richter

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