Yet another newbie question - standard or built-in methods

Kamus of Kadizhar yan at
Fri Dec 5 05:50:13 EST 2003

OK, I've been playing with the snippets of code posted earlier.

Among them are things like

allmovies[movie] = allmovies.get(movie, 0) + 1

 From reading the docs, I've gathered that the '.get(xxx,yyy)' part is a 
method that operates on the dictonary allmovies.  (Sorry if I have the 
terminology wrong).

But nowhere can I find a list of 'standard' or 'built-in' methods, or 
methods that can be used with various variable classes.  What exactly 
does 'get' do?  This seems to be so basic to python that it's not 
explained anywhere, but that's no help to me.... Is there a list with 
explanations somewhere?  I've been through the tutorials and guides, and 
all just start using these with no explanation of what they do and how 
they work.

Maybe I've missed it somewhere; just point me to the right FM, so I can 

help is no help:

help> get
no Python documentation found for 'get'

So what's a newbie to do?


What am I on?
I'm on my bike,                         o__
6 hours a day, busting my ass.          ,>/'_
What are you on? --Lance Armstrong     (_)\(_)

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