What GUI toolkit looks the best?

Cameron Laird claird at lairds.com
Thu Dec 11 11:55:37 EST 2003

In article <vth78mea92j65e at news.supernews.com>,
John Roth <newsgroups at jhrothjr.com> wrote:
>And that is what is called a "real good question." I believe that
>you're supposed to be able to use the Tk libraries without using
>TCL, but the people that wrote Tkinter weren't able to make it
>work. I don't, however, know this for a fact, it's just something
>that's bouncing around the old synapses...
It's a choice.  Perlites tried both ways, and largely
settled on Perl/Tk, which uses the Tcl-free C bindings.
It's much, MUCH easier maintaining a Tcl-coded applica-
tion, though, so Tkinter pops out a couple of hours 
after a new Tk release, while Perl/Tk takes months of
calendar time.  Guido certainly has the ability to do a
low-level binding to Tk (and I know someone did, on an
experimental basis, in the mid-'90s--was that he?); he
chooses to invest his time elsewhere.

There's actually more to it than that.  These are the
right highlights, though, to the best of my knowledge.

Cameron Laird <claird at phaseit.net>
Business:  http://www.Phaseit.net

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