Simple question from Python Newbie

Phil D. phildog22 at
Fri Dec 12 10:40:54 EST 2003

Hello Python Hackers!
I just started working with Python a few days ago and have a simple question that I can't seem to figure out.  I am trying to build an application to monitor my mouse moving habits while I'm surfing the web for a project at MIT and I can't seem to figure out how to capture mouse clicks.  I know that I can capture mouse clicks using Tkinter or another GUI toolkit, but that won't work outside the GUI (in a web browser) as far as I can tell.  I get the cursor position pretty easily with win32api.GetCursorPos(), but I can't figure out how to get mouse clicks.
Thoughts anyone?  What's the easiest way to get mouse clicks outside of a GUI?
Thanks in advance!

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