Binary number manipulation

Georgy Pruss see_signature__ at
Wed Dec 3 07:02:13 EST 2003

"Tim Roberts" <timr at> wrote in message news:350rsvkbsht8rgs1fsjjc7vkktf87sahi7 at
| SBrunning at wrote:
| >
| >> 2. If 1 is no, does that mean that I need to do all the manipulation in
| >> some icky string format and then go back?
| >
| >I use:
| >
| >((high << 16) | low)
| ...which, unfortunately, gives a FutureWarning in Python 2.3 if high
| happens to be larger than 32767.

Yes, it's really annoying. I use (high * 65536 + low) instead.


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