UserLinux chooses Python as "interpretive language" of choice

Nils Kassube nika.nospam at
Sun Dec 21 12:59:03 EST 2003

"John Roth" <newsgroups at> writes:

> Ruby can get away with it because, as far as I know, functions are
> not first class objects. They certainly aren't in Perl which was
> Ruby's inspiration.

It's more likely to be inherited from Smalltalk, the other big source
of inspiration for Matz. A Ruby program is composed of objects whom
you "talk to" by sending messages, i.e. calling a method. There are no
"functions" as in the hybrid, but in its history getting more and more
object-oriented language Python. It's a different way of thinking, not
necessarily better or worse. 

Using function objects as a way of passing small pieces of code is
replaced by blocks, also borrowed from Smalltalk.

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