Lists and Tuples

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Fri Dec 5 04:25:52 EST 2003

Douglas Alan wrote:

> I disagree.  You should use a tuple when you wish to not change the
> contents once you have constructed the sequence, and otherwise you
> should use a list.

> Fredrik Lundh actually called me names a couple years back for
> asserting this, but Python luminary (and rude fellow) or not, he is
> dead wrong.

I'm never dead wrong.

    Guido van Rossum, "State of the Python Union", March 2003:


    + It's a matter of user education

    + Example: lists vs. tuples

        this is often misrepresented as "tuple are readonly lists",
        which is *wrong*

        use cases are quite different

        *but*... tuples also usable as readonly lists


I expect an apology.


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