Maybe a stupid idea

sebb sebb at
Wed Dec 31 12:49:55 EST 2003

I'm kind of newbie to programming, but I thought of something and I
want some opinions on that.

It's about a new instruction block to do some cycles.

I thought about that because it's not very easy to program a cycle.
Here is a simple example :


while b < 50:
    print "*" * b

while b > 0:
    b-= 1
    print "*" * b

It takes two while blocks to do a cycle.

I know that cycles is not a structure of any programming language, but
I want some opinions the know if my idea is stupid or not.

If the idea is not so stupid, python may be the first language to have
a completely new structure block :-)

Note : English is not my mother tongue so the message can have

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