UserLinux chooses Python as "interpretive language" of choice

Donn Cave donn at
Sat Dec 20 17:46:10 EST 2003

Quoth "John Roth" <newsgroups at>:
| The world changes, and ideas that seemed to be perfectly appropriate
| five or ten years ago may no longer be such. Small languages with a limited
| audience have a perfect right to be as quirky or as "pure" as their authors
| want. Once they get beyond that point, there's a bit of social responsibility
| involved in addressing common problems.

For some definition of "common problems", that might be somewhat
true, though perhaps stretching it a bit even at that.  We are
after all talking about free as in beer.

The things we seem to be discussing in this thread do not at all
meet the definition I have in mind.  The main point when evaluating
a "common problem" in this context is whether it's really a problem.


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