Using python to check the status of a program

The Jetman jetman516 at
Sat Dec 27 17:24:29 EST 2003

Kamuela Franco <kamuelaf at> wrote in message news:<pan.2003. at>...
> I would like to use a Python script to periodically check to see if a
> program is still running and if it isn't I want to start it up.  Could
> someone point me on the right path?  Thanks in advance.
> Kamuela

1st, which OS are we talking about ?  *IF* we're talking about 
Linux/Unix/FreeBSD, then it only takes a few lines:
  import os
  import string
  f = os.popen( 'ps -ax' )
  s = f.readlines()
  if string.find( s, 'target_pgm' ) > -1:
      ####  we found it, so do something....

If we're talking about Windows, then this would work using the 
Cygwin utils for ps or one could try Pythonwin.  Mark has ported 
many Windows APIs, so it would be a little more involved, but 
straight-fwd.  HTH....Jet

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