What is the "self" name always referring to...?

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Wed Dec 10 01:57:43 EST 2003

Todd Gardner wrote:

> Pardon my extremely ignorant newbie questions.
> Where can I go to find more information about the "self" argument?
> Is there something special about the word "self" or did Mr. Guido van
> Rossum just decide to us the word arbitrarily?
> More precisely it seems that most all classes have "self" as the first
> parameter.  This may be directly obvious but is the word "self" always
> referring to the class or the function it is used in?

self is used in *methods* (which are functions associated with
classes), and is used to refer to the current instance of the class
that method belongs to.

for more on classes, see the tutorial:


the FAQ also contains some helpful entries:


> Is it a reserved word?

nope, but it's usually a good idea to treat it as if it were.


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