string parsing screwing up on large files?

Daniel Kramer danl_kramer at
Fri Dec 19 21:55:29 EST 2003

Hello, I'm fairly new to python but I've written a script that takes
in a special text file (a renderman .rib to be specific).. and filters
some of the commands.  The .rib file is a simple text file, but in
some cases it's very large.. can be 20megs or more at times.

The script steps though each line looking for keywords and changes the
line if nessisary but most lines just pass in and out of the script
un-modified.  The problem is sometimes the lines aren't written out
correctly and it's an intermittent problem.  If I re-run the script
again on the same input usually it works fine.  After filtering about
100 files i might get 4 or 5 that come out bad.. simply re-running
those fixes them.

Anyone know what I might look for? It's possible that the machine is
under a lot of i/o load and/or cpu load when it happens, but not sure
about that.. I normally send this processing to a render farm, so it's
hard to predict exactly what sort of load is going on at that time. It
feels like a buffer isn't getting flushed before the text is written
out.. or something like that.

Any suggestions where I might look?



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