How to determine if an instance of your program is already running?

David M. Wilson at
Sat Dec 27 06:42:15 EST 2003

Mike <Mike at> wrote...

> Can I get a list of currently running processes?

There is no portable way of doing it, however if you have a POSIX
environment, you can parse the output of ps:

   def get_process_ids():
      output = []
      ps = os.popen('ps -o pid,command -C python')

      for line in ps:
         bits = line.lstrip()[:-1].split(' ')
         output.append( (int(bits[0]), ' '.join(bits[1:])) )

      return output

Don't hold me to this - I tested it on BSD and Linux, and as far as I
know both the options I have used are portable.


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