ANN: lunatic-python 0.1

John J. Lee jjl at
Sat Dec 13 20:14:58 EST 2003

"Terry Reedy" <tjreedy at> writes:
> Accessing above with default IE6 brings up
> Untrusted Certificate page.  With choices Proceed,
> Stop, AddCertificate (to root table).  It seems
> conectiva issued itself its own  certificate.  I
> hope this is just silliness rather than a devious
> attempt to get people to accept its
> self-certification, which I was not about to do.

One would assume that nobody geeky enough to want to play with a
Python / lua bridge would want add a root certificate from some random
site on the net.

> I know enough that I thought it probably safe to
> proceed without adding cert, but not enough to be
> sure.   Some people would stop there, and I might

"Probably" safe?  What did you fear it could do?  You're not sending
him your credit card details, right?

In fact, even if you *are* sending him your credit card details, it's
*still* of almost no consequence, SSL being pretty useless in practice
(see Bruce Schneier's writings on the subject, eg. in "Secrets and


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