Separation of content and code for web (was Re: Python for web?)

Peter Hansen peter at
Tue Dec 2 08:58:48 EST 2003

Richie Hindle wrote:
> [Peter]
> You've just described PyMeld ( better than I ever
> have.  May I replace my web page with your post?  8-)

By all means, but I suspect your users would benefit by keeping at least
some of the existing content. ;-)

> (Note that PyMeld's performance can stink with large page, but there are
> ways around that - mail me for more info if PyMeld looks like a good fit
> for you.  I'll probably create a wiki for it if there's the demand, and
> put up some hints and tips there.)

Apparently all you PyMeld types like to lie in wait and then reply in
groups. ;-)

Thanks Richie! (and Paul and Hamish, for the same answer)  This looks 

One thing that I find interesting, after a 15-second perusal of the 
examples, is how incredibly close our own fledgling implementation is,
to the point of matching the "clone template row, delete, fill in table
with replacements" sequence, almost down to the API.

I'm looking forward to a more extensive look at it.  (I was about to say
I'd be happy to contribute improvements, but we (a company) were planning 
to release our own under a BSD license at some point, whereas I see yours 
has the more restrictive SleepyCat license (commercial use for a fee only), 
so I'm afraid I might do nothing more than pick over the best ideas from 
your API rather than look into the code itself.)


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