IIS problems occuring (again? still?)

Robert Brewer fumanchu at amor.org
Mon Dec 8 14:53:12 EST 2003

Today I had the problem described (and solved) here:

Hi all,
	Some of you may have struck an "Internal Error 500" error when
trying to
use Python as an Active Scripting language inside IIS using the latest
ActivePython builds.

The solution to this appears to be the following:
* Change to the "Python21\win32comext\axscript\client" directory.

* Execute "python pyscript.py --unregister"

* Execute "python pyscript.py"

This should make everything work.  The key step is the "--unregister"
step -
this clears out some problems in the registry.  Just doing the last
registation step does not solve the problem for IIS (even though it
solve the problem for IE and other scripting environments).

We will have this fixed in the next ActivePython release.



This was posted in 2001. Was this fixed and broken again?

FWIW, I had this problem on Win2k Server, but did not have the same
issue on Win2k Pro. Both platforms are using Python 2.3.2. It may simply
be due to the order in which I installed Python, set up the webserver,
installed win32all, or upgraded Python on each system.

Robert Brewer
Amor Ministries
fumanchu at amor.org

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