Names for modules and functions

Robert Brewer fumanchu at
Tue Dec 2 00:44:15 EST 2003

Jeff Wagner wrote:
> This just might be the weirdest question you have heard yet 
> but what is a good way to come up with
> names for modules, function, etc.?
> So, are there any guidelines?

Some of the answers are in PEP 8:

> Also, is it ok to name a module and function the same?
> --- ---
> def EnterName():
>     ...
> --- End ---

Also in PEP 8:

"Modules that export a single class (or a number of closely related
classes, plus some additional support) are often named in CapWords, with
the module name being the same as the class name (e.g. the standard
StringIO module)."

Now, if that applies to classes, you might guess it applies to
functions, as well. The BEST advice I can give you is, when you have
questions like this one, TRY IT! :)

Robert Brewer
Amor Ministries
fumanchu at

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