UserLinux chooses Python as "interpretive language" of choice

Ville Vainio ville.spammehardvainio at
Mon Dec 22 05:18:10 EST 2003

"John Roth" <newsgroups at> writes:

> I could be wrong about that, but I begin to worry when
> I see Larry Wall ripping Perl apart and redesigning
> it, and I get the impression that the only reason for

That's because perl5 is broken, and judging by what I've read of
perl6, so will be perl6.

> Python 3.0 (which seems to be the same distance
> in the future, regardless of when we talk about it)
> is to make a few relatively minor incompatible
> changes.

This clearly showcases the lasting design of Python.

The only kind of major redesign I would see appropriate would be
changing the language so that it could be compiled to fast machine
code (a'la Lisp), if necessary. I guess something would have to go...

Ville Vainio

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