timing a web response using urllib.urlopen??

Rene Pijlman reply.in.the.newsgroup at my.address.is.invalid
Wed Dec 31 12:17:11 EST 2003

MCollins at seminolecountyfl.gov:
>i'm trying to open an array of websites, timing each 
>site's response time (how may seconds until a response)
>if someone could point me in the right direction on accomplishing the 
>timer part of the this application, i'd appreciate it.

class timer:
    def __init__(self,name,level=0,parms=""):
        self.name = name
        self.parms = parms            
        self.starttime = time.time()
    def report(self):
        elapsed = time.time() - self.starttime
        timefile = open("your filename here", 'a')
        print >>timefile, "%s\t%f\t%s" % (self.name, \
            elapsed, self.parms)

timer = new timer("eggs")
# Do something that takes time

name: in my case identified the database query that was executed
parms: the parameters of a particular execution of the query.

I imported the output in a PostgreSQL database table to query the data.

create table timer(
    name varchar,
    elapsed float,
    parms varchar

\copy timer from 'timefile.txt'

select name, count(elapsed), sum(elapsed)
from timer
group by name
order by sum(elapsed) desc;

René Pijlman

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