UserLinux chooses Python as "interpretive language" of choice

John Roth newsgroups at
Sun Dec 21 07:44:59 EST 2003

"Skip Montanaro" <skip at> wrote in message
news:mailman.386.1071964951.9307.python-list at
>     John> The world changes, and ideas that seemed to be perfectly
>     John> appropriate five or ten years ago may no longer be such. Small
>     John> languages with a limited audience have a perfect right to be as
>     John> quirky or as "pure" as their authors want. Once they get beyond
>     John> that point, there's a bit of social responsibility involved in
>     John> addressing common problems.
> So fork Python and show how it could be done better.  If that's the case,
> people will either drift over to Python-JR, or (some of) your ideas will
> find their way back into Python-GvR.

I'm not likely to do that for two reasons. One is that, at this point in
my life, I'm not a C programmer. I don't even have a functional C
compiler on my machine. The other is that I don't particularly like
the notion of adding more and more options to the mix. I'm much
more concerned with the social issue of how software development
is done, and another variation on a good idea simply isn't my way
of approaching the issue.
> Or, as in the Emacs/XEmacs split, darts may be thrown across the void for
> the forseeable future. ;-)

John Roth
> Skip

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