Save the pythons.

Hans Nowak hans at
Wed Dec 17 19:27:35 EST 2003

f29 wrote:
> I don't believe that noone has yet spotted that python is becoming
> java. Each new version is fully equipped with more garbage than
> before. 

A bit harsh to put it that way, but yeah, the language is growing, as most 
languages tend to do.  It would be nice to see it shrink sometime, although 
that would have its own set of drawbacks, like breaking backward compatibility. 
  Maybe in Python 3.0...

> Classes are great, but once there are 1000 of them, inheriting
> from each other, I cannot avoid comparing this unpleasant situation to
> java.

Python's standard library hasn't quite reached the size of Java's, though.

> Python power is in it's syntax, not addons. 

Hmm, everything else being equal, I'd much rather see a new module than yet 
another addition to the syntax.

Hans (hans at

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