Build classes/packages dinamicaly

Paulo Pinto paulo.pinto at
Tue Dec 16 06:22:10 EST 2003

Thanks it is want I was looking for.
However I still have a problem.

I want to make the module available to the
caller as if he did an import.

For example, if I make the following call


Where some_module is the module that generates
modules dinamicaly, and dummy is the name of the
new module.

I would like to be able to do


after that call.

I've discovered that if I do something like this

globals()['dummy'] = module_instance_returned_by_new.module()

It works, but it must be done at the same level I want to
call dummy.something() and not from inside some_module. Because
if I do it inside the module, globals() will be refering to the
module globals and not to parent scope.

Basically I would like to import the generated module to the
module that is invoking generate_module() like an uplevel in

Is this possible?

Paulo Pinto

Peter Otten wrote:
> Paulo Pinto wrote:
>>I have a package that generates classes from a
>>set of XML files using exec.
>>So far the classes appear in the global namespace.
>>Is there any way to also create packages dinamicaly
>>and add the classes to those packages?
>>Thanks in advance,
>>Paulo Pinto
>>>>import types
>>>>mymodule = types.ModuleType("mymodule")
>>>>exec "def demo():\n\tprint 'hello from', __name__\n" in
> mymodule.__dict__
> hello from mymodule
> Seems to work. I haven't used it myself, though.
> Peter

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