Help embedding python

Cameron Laird claird at
Mon Aug 25 15:42:17 EDT 2003

In article <bidmuo$90l$1 at>,
Zora Honey  <zhoney at> wrote:
>I'm sorry if I was a bit curt.  The reason I didn't include rationale is 
>because I have none.  I have been advocating extending python instead of 
>embedding it, but since I have no experience with either, my only 
>argument is that it seems more natural.  It seems like either method is 
>as difficult to learn and implement.  It doesn't seem to me that there 
>are lot of arguments one way or the other.  My husband, on the other 
>hand, is strongly attached to the idea of having a c++ main program that 
>will coordinate all the data-processing classes and python widgets. He 
>believes it is easier to have c++ say to python, "here, I have these 
>plots for you," rather than have python say to c++, "make these plots 
>for me."  I don't believe this is true, but I don't have any reason 
>*not* to believe it's true, so I aquiesced.
>So, I suppose instead of asking you to assume the rationale are well 
>reasoned, I should be asking you why you believe extending python is 
>easier/cheaper/faster/better than embedding it.
Your husband's making a mistake--it's a plausible one, but a
mistake, nonetheless.

There's actually a lot written on whether Python or C++ should
be in charge, especially in a GUIfied context.  I haven't the
time now to assemble good references.  You might like to start
with <URL: >.

Cameron Laird <Cameron at>

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