COM server usage question

Propad nenad.propadovic at
Sat Aug 9 17:59:48 EDT 2003

Dear Mr. Hammond,
thank you for your answer, and even more for making Python on win32
possible at all. I do realise my question resembles some previous
postings, and the answer you gave me was allready given.
However, I'll try to restate my question in other words: could anybody
give me a pointer to any kind of literature enabling me to produce my
own type library? Some easy to understand beginners guide to COM,
explaining also the typical registry entries? Well if there are no
tlb-s in win32com, I just might manage to get them in there :-)
Thanks, all you kind people.
Nenad Propadovic
P.S. Starting a contract work at BMW, I just realised the penetration
of Python in the german automotive industry seems to be quite descent.
This is due to a tool-suite by a company named DSpace, which uses
Python as its scripting language...

Mark Hammond <mhammond at> wrote in message news:<bh1l4o$4gd$2 at>...
> Propad wrote:
> > Hello everybody,
> > I thank you kindly for your help.
> At this stage, PythonCOM servers do not create a type library.  Thus, 
> the interface is registered, but no tools that process type libraries 
> will be able to see it.
> Mark.

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