check if running under IDLE

Steven Taschuk staschuk at
Wed Aug 6 08:52:21 EDT 2003

Quoth Helmut Jarausch:
> To check a script accessing sys.argv I have to set it.
> Unfortunately the 'Run' pulldown menu of IDLE doesn't have an item
> to set sys.argv as it's common with debuggers for C.
> Now in Python I can set  sys.argv within the script,
> but forgetting to comment this out afterwards makes the
> script wrong outside of IDLE

Why not write your script in something like the form
    import sys
    def main(argv):
        # ...
    if __name__ == '__main__':
and then write a separate script for testing,
    import foo
    foo.main(['', 'testing', 'parameters'])
and run that instead?

(In answer to the question actually asked: I have no idea how to
detect whether running in IDLE.)

Steven Taschuk                                     staschuk at
Receive them ignorant; dispatch them confused.  (Weschler's Teaching Motto)

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