Python/Tkinter/tk crash [long]

Eric Brunel eric.brunel at
Thu Aug 14 05:10:22 EDT 2003

Hi all,

I was creating a Tkinter widget in the style of the reversed tabs below Excel 
worksheets and I stepped in a serious problem: the code I made makes python 
crash with a seg fault, bus error or X11 BadGC error on both Solaris (2.6 and 
2.7) and Linux (Mandrake 8.0); it doesn't crash on Windows. I tried to simplify 
the script, but I couldn't reproduce the crash with a simpler code. So the code 
below is somewhat long; sorry for that.

To make it crash, just run the script and click on a tab. It usually crashes at 
the first click, but you may have to play a bit with the tabs. I tried to run 
Python through gdb to see where the crash happens, but it seems to be quite 
random. Maybe a memory corruption?

There's a simple workaround, but with drawbacks: at the beginning of the 
__update method, if I do not destroy and re-create the Canvas, but simply empty 
its contents, the script works. But it keeps the commands declared created at 
the tcl level for the former bindings, so it silently eats up memory.

My setup is Python 2.1 with tcl/tk 8.3.4. I searched the bug database but this 
bug doesn't seem to be known. But maybe it was corrected in a newer Python or tk 
version? Can anyone confirm that?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Here is the code:
from Tkinter import *

## =======================
# Instances are generic callbacks for buttons, bindings, etc...

class GenericCallback:

   def __init__(self, callback, *commonArgs):
     self.callback = callback
     self.__commonArgs = commonArgs

   def __call__(self, *args):
     return apply(self.callback, self.__commonArgs + args)

## ==============
# Excel-style reverse tabs in a row

class TabRow(Frame):

   ## -----------------

   defaultHeight = 24    # Default height for row
   verticalMargin = 2    # Margin at the top and the bottom of the tabs
   tabBorderWidth = 10   # Width for the descending and ascending lines at the
                         # border of tabs

   ## METHOD __INIT__:
   ## ----------------
   # Constructor
   # Parameters: the ones for the Frame class
   # Recognized options: the ones for the Frame class +
   # - tabs: list of tabs
   # - currenttab: active element in tabs, or its index
   # - tabchangecallback: function called when the user clicks on a tab
   #   (1 param = text; returns a boolean)
   # - font: the font to use to display the texts in the tabs
   # - activebackground: the background for the current tab

   def __init__(self, *args, **options):

     ## --------------------

     self.__tabs = ()
     self.__tabChangeCallback = None
     self.__tabsCanvas = None
     self.__currentTabIndex = 0
     self.__tabPositions = None
     self.__canvasHeight = TabRow.defaultHeight

     ## Super-init
     apply(Frame.__init__, (self,) + args)
     ## Configure/update

   ## -----------------
   # Changes the options for the tab row

   def configure(self, dictOptions={}, **options):
     ## Get specific options
     self.__tabs = options.get("tabs", self.__tabs)
     self.__tabChangeCallback = options.get('tabchangecallback',
     ## Get index for current tab
     if options.has_key('currenttab'):
       if type(options['currenttab']) == type(0):
         self.__currentTabIndex = options['currenttab']
         indices = [i for i in range(len(self.__tabs))
                    if self.__tabs[i] == options['currenttab']]
         if indices: self.__currentTabIndex = indices[0]
     ## Remember forced height for canvas if any
     self.__canvasHeight = options.get('height', self.__canvasHeight)
     ## Remove unwanted options
     needUpdate = 0
     for o in ('tabs', 'currenttab', 'tabchangecallback',
               'font', 'activebackground', 'height'):
       if not options.has_key(o): continue
       del options[o]
       needUpdate = 1
     if options.has_key('bg') or options.has_key('background'): needUpdate = 1
     ## If needed, apply options on the frame
     if options:
       apply(Frame.configure, (self,), options)
     ## If needed, update display
     if needUpdate: self.__update()

   ## ----------------
   # Updates the display

   def __update(self):
     ## (Re)create canvas for tabs
     if self.__tabsCanvas is not None:
     self.__tabsCanvas = Canvas(self, bg=self.cget('background'),
     self.__tabsCanvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nswe')
     ## Build tabs
     tabIndex, pos = 0, 0
     self.__tabPositions = []
     activeTabRight = 0
     for text in self.__tabs:
       ## Standard tag + specific tag if tab is the current one
       tabTag = 'TAB_%s' % tabIndex
       tags = [tabTag]
       if tabIndex == self.__currentTabIndex: tags.append("CURRENT_TAB")
       tags = tuple(tags)
       ## Remember tab position
       ## Draw text
       textId = self.__tabsCanvas.create_text(pos + TabRow.tabBorderWidth,
                                              self.__canvasHeight / 2,
                                              text=text, anchor=W, tags=tags,
                                              font=('helvetica', 10, 'bold'))
       ## Polygon for tab, including line from left side if current tab
       textBBox = self.__tabsCanvas.bbox(textId)
       x = textBBox[2]
       coords = [
         pos, TabRow.verticalMargin,
         pos + TabRow.tabBorderWidth,
                                self.__canvasHeight - TabRow.verticalMargin,
         x, self.__canvasHeight - TabRow.verticalMargin,
         x + TabRow.tabBorderWidth,   TabRow.verticalMargin ]
       if tabIndex == self.__currentTabIndex:
         coords = [0, TabRow.verticalMargin] + coords
         activeTabRight = x + TabRow.tabBorderWidth
       ## Get polygon background
       polygOpt = {'fill' : self.__tabsCanvas.cget('background'),
                   'outline':'', 'tags':tags}
       if tabIndex == self.__currentTabIndex: polygOpt['fill'] = 'white'
       ## Draw polygon
       polygId = apply(self.__tabsCanvas.create_polygon, coords, polygOpt)
       lineId = apply(self.__tabsCanvas.create_line, coords,
                      {'fill':'black', 'tags':tags})
       ## Put it under text
       ## Binding for tab change
       self.__tabsCanvas.tag_bind(tabTag, '<ButtonRelease-1>',
                             GenericCallback(self.__changeTab, tabIndex, text))
       ## Update position and tab index
       pos = x + TabRow.tabBorderWidth / 2
       tabIndex += 1
     ## End of display: draw line from active tab to right border
     ## and put active tab on top
     self.__tabsCanvas.create_line(activeTabRight, TabRow.verticalMargin,
                                   pos + TabRow.tabBorderWidth / 2,

   ## --------------------
   # Called when the user clicks on a tab

   def __changeTab(self, tabIndex, text, event=None):
     if self.__tabChangeCallback is None: return
     if not self.__tabChangeCallback(text): return
     self.__currentTabIndex = tabIndex

if __name__ == '__main__':
   root = Tk()

   def ct(t):
     print t
     return 1

   r = TabRow(root, tabs=('foo', 'bar', 'spam'), tabchangecallback=ct)
- Eric Brunel <eric.brunel at> -
PragmaDev : Real Time Software Development Tools -

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